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All workshops are $30 per child with a 6-child minimum. The price includes supplies for the entire group. I am based in Delray Beach, Florida and I'm happy to travel to your home, private venue, or suggest common outdoor spaces to set up your workshop. Prices may be adjusted for long-distance travel accommodations. To book a private workshop, please select from the options below and I'll be in touch shortly! 


Cooking with Veggie Vero

Cooking workshops are perfect for children ages 3 and up!

When kids participate in cooking, they take pride in their food creations and tend to be more open to trying healthy new foods. I like to emphasize mindful cooking during my lessons. This means children are encouraged to pay close attention to the colors, textures, tastes, smells and sounds of the cooking process, as well as giving thought to how the ingredients may have grown from the Earth and reached their plate. All meals will be plant based and easily adjusted for gluten and nut intolerance.




Kid's Yoga & Mindfulness

In this workshop, we'll explore movement and mindfulness through storytelling. We'll practice some yoga with my book, Little Yogi Journey, and then gather in a circle for the web-of-gratitude activity. We'll end with a mindful craft such as mandalas, dream catchers or stone painting. This workshop is great for ages 4 and up!


Eco Warriors Workshop

Calling all Earth-defenders!

This workshop is a great way to get your little ones excited about protecting  Mother Earth! We will focus on simple things that can be done daily to reduce our Eco-footprint. I'll read my book, Diary of a Plastic Bottle, and then we'll craft our own Eco masterpiece using nature items and/or up-cycled materials. This workshop can be customized for all ages!


Intro to Veganism 

In this workshop, we'll explore our power as consumers. We will play an interactive game in which children become 'business owners' and must respond to the demand of consumers. Through this activity, we'll learn how our every purchase casts a 'vote' for the type of world we want to live in. We will gently discuss the exploitation of animals for human consumption and entertainment. Children are empowered by learning that they can easily become part of the solution. All change begins with knowledge! This is great for ages 5 and up.

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© 2023 by Veronica Green Publications

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